viernes, 9 de noviembre de 2018


I would like to work in community psychology and clinic psychology. I imagine me working in both areas. I would like to work with community helping us to orient their activities for resolve their problems and needs. Also, I think that´s very important for resist to Neoliberal dynamics which ever be planned for business owners or politicians who doesn't matter the people. That job is very difficult because we aren't polite to work for our interests and needs, indeed, sometimes we are dedicated to make excuses or discuss with our partners rather than work together. In this job I don't expect earn much money. In clinical psycology I expect EARN money jaja. You know... cash much money to rich people, $50.000 per hour jaja. Obviously, If someone can't pay that price, We can agree an amount. I would like to work in this because I find interesting help people to resolve their subjective problems. You know... problems to love someone or just living, pain of soul jaja. 

I think is interesting work outdoor and indoor. I guess I wouldn't work just indoor. I would be mad. Also, I would like to work in the south of Chile for have a confortable life. In Santiago that's so difficult. You can't be peaceful. This city is rotten, but the people not notice it because the people is used to this 

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