viernes, 16 de noviembre de 2018


I must writte about postgraduate degree programme I would like to study in the future. I don´t know if I want to study more about psichology. But I must writte something in this post so I'm going to writte about other thing that I want study: dance. Truely I'm learning it, specifically, dancehall. But I don't want study dance in a Academia or University, I'm quite happy to learn a bit of this style. The things that I like when I learn dancehall is use the body and gain confidence. Maybe I haven't gained confidence yet jaja. But I'm working in that. Someday, I would like to be a nice dancer. Dancing is very funny. I think develop bodily awareness and express something with body is cool. Also, there is good rapport in classes. The people are very friendly. It's a nice environment for learn. I go to class in Quinta Normal metro station and GAM center.

Seeing videos of dance, I found this video. He is a great dancer, hopefully I can dance similar to him someday... someday.... jaja. I like his flow also he had nice steps. See this video depress me u_u. I suppose with a lot of practice I will be better, if I am constant I should enhance. Well, academic studies aren’t only in life I guess the people must give opportunities to learn something different that like them

1 comentario:

  1. hi matias, i think that the dance are a real interest area to study, i think that you have the enough flow to dance anywhere, but keep gaining confidence, i hope that we can dance one DAGA together one day :$
