viernes, 12 de octubre de 2018

how i like travel

In fact, rather than visit a place, I like hitchhiking. I think  is interesting travel away to anywhere place, not knowing where, because that's the way which you will "discover" places. Also it's less expensive jaja. Maybe that's the reason that I travel this way, but, I wold prefer  to visit all of Chile first. Some day I would like travel around anywhere of Latinoamerica. The interesting of travel this way is that you can do everything for stay here. You can earn money if you work,juggling, doing craftwork or working in jobs that do it in those places, for example, or if you go with money, you can spend it simply. I guess that's more interesting of this, the uncertainly. Sometimes, only you need a point to arrive, the rest it´s only travel. It´s like a "walker, there is no path to follow, you make the road as you go" jaja.

I like it, because when you are alone, you must relate with others. That's the way which you visit any place, occur tales and you know people. Also, camping is a very enjoyable because you can go anywhere. If you want go into the mountain, you can do that. If you want stay near of the towns, you can do that too. It´s a freedom way to stay in a place. In addition, you must cook your food, and that's ever is funny because you taste other vegetables inclusive other way that you cook any dish.

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